Friday, November 12, 2010

I am Thankful For Temples

Yesterday Clyde and I were able to go and do a session at the temple.  We both work in the temple but this time were able to attend as patrons, something we don't always have time to do.  It was a fun very low-key day and just what we both needed.  It is funny how the peace of the temple can bring such joy and peace into your life.  I am thankful for the opportunity of attending the Temple and having one so close.  The Lord has blessed us in so many ways. 

As a side note, my journal ran out and I went and found an inexpensive one to write in.  It ended up having a section at the beginning of each entry to write what I was thankful for each day.  You never know how necessary this is in your life until you start writing something daily.  We take so much for granted.

1 comment:

Heidi Noel said...

At night before scripture study we each write one thing we are thankful for on a strip of paper and put it in a jar. Every monday night we read them as we eat treat. We started it because of President Monson's general conference talk last session. It has been especially nice to refocus after hard days.