Monday, November 22, 2010

I am Thankful For My Bahlmann Grandchildren

 Bahlmann and Pfiester grandchildren together in July of 2010.  It was a fun vacation.
The Bahlmann Family in July of 2010.  I tried to download a picture of our newest granddaughter and the newest Bahlmann, but for some reason it is just not happening today.

Today I am grateful for my Bahlmann grandchildren.  Marcus is special for a couple of reasons.  He is our oldest grandson and he is the only grandchild we have lived in close proximity too.  For the first part of his life he lived with his parents, just through the block from us!  Then the family moved just a few hours away.  I was able to be a part of his life for the first little while of his life and that meant a lot to me.  Marcus will turn 9 in January.

Anneke is our third granddaughter and the first granddaughter that I was able to be there to help when she was born.  In truth, she is the last grandchild that I have made it for the birthday.  We have lived so far away we now are lucky to see the babies a week after they are born! Anneke was 6 in July.

Luke is our fourth grandson.  He will turn 3 this week.  Heidi and Andy have had a child for every stage of Andy's schooling.  Luke is their 'Master's' child.  He was born in Colorado.  I personally think he is going to grow up to be a mechanic.  He loves cars - especially orange ones.

Mallory Hope was born on November 7.  She is our 5th granddaughter.  I have not met Mallory yet, but we will be there for her first Christmas.  How fun is that!  I am grateful for all of my Bahlmann grandchildren.  I am so excited that in less than a month I will be holding them in my arms and getting lots of loves!

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