Saturday, April 12, 2014

Sunny Day, chased all the clouds away

It is a beautiful day in the neighborhood.  This morning there was no wind but it has picked up now.  It is 52 degrees and feels like 52.  Yeah.

I just read on LDS news that the missionaries have been moved out of the Crimea region.  They will either be reassigned or sent home.  Most will stay in the surrounding area but a few will be sent to other places.  The missionaries that are in the MTC and have received calls will have their papers reevaluated and sent elsewhere - wherever the Lord now calls them.  We know of several senior couples that went there the same time we came here.  One of the sisters was not happy she was going to the Crimea.  I hope she is content now.

I have been re-reading some of my Grandma Sarah's favorite books.  She loved 'Lavender and Old Lace by Myrtle Reed and both Pollyanna books.  The Pollyanna books turned her life around.  She told me that until she read Pollyanna, she was prone to temper tantrums and pouting to get her own way.  She started playing the 'glad game' and her life turned around.  She told me just a few years before she died that she was still playing it.  One of her brothers told me she was pill until their older brother sent her that for Christmas one year.

The divinest gift of marriage is this: the daily unconscious growing of two souls into one...the highest joy of each is the wellbeing of the other. - Myrtle Reed.  In one of Myrtle Reeds books, this was a quote.  I had to share it because it describes marriage better than anything I have ever heard. 

I hope this makes sense.  I have a terrible migraine and I am literally writing around a blind spot.  Plus I am not terribly coherent when I have a migraine.

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