Thursday, April 17, 2014

A Day at the Museums

When Clyde and I went to the Raadhus for our tour, I took a picture of Clyde with these gargoyles.  It didn't turn out well, so I tried again today.  This one was better.

"As a hen gathereth her chicks..."  That is what the frieze at the top of this doorway reminded us of.  My chicks are starting to gather!  Andy got the job at Snow College, so the Bahlmann's, Nordells and Bailey's will all be within minutes of each other!

These are ancient runes that were found here in Denmark.  I am standing among the runes!

This is part of the Thorvaldsen Museum.  A member of our branch is the curator there.  We ran into him as he was leaving for some important meetings.  He came back in and told that woman that was selling tickets that we were gratis.  He then told me that most of the statues in the museum are the plaster renderings that Thorvaldsen then carved the masterpiece from.  That is why so many of the pieces were so dirty.  They cannot be cleaned.
Thorvaldsen was commissioned to do what has become known as the 'Swiss Lion'.  The one that was accepted is the lion asleep.  This was the other option he offered.
This is the absolutely original 'Christus'.  It is the plaster rendering that Thorvaldsen did to carve the one that now resides in Vor Frue Kirke.  Christus is the most copied image of Christ in the world.  The museum authorities think that there are several million replicas on mantles or coffee tables around the world.

A close up of the Christ's face.  Thorvaldsen carved this statue with the scripture, "Come unto me..." in mind.


Heidi Noel said...

Your words are cut off. Sad. What did it say?

Grandma Bailey said...

I think I fixed it.

Heidi Noel said...

Yep. Thank you. I enjoyed looking at it and better understanding what it was.