Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Sun and Wind

Today was a beautiful day except for the wind.  We made it to 15 degrees!  Yeah!  That is Celsius by the way.  I will let you look up the Fahrenheit. 

We got 5 books done today and a partial.  As we downloaded our days work, the computer once again slowed way down.  So we turned it off in hopes the glitch would be erased.  5 minutes later 'Window's' had not come up.  We finally decided to shut everything down and hopefully it will download tomorrow without a problem.

Fewer people at work today than yesterday but Mads was there today.  He makes us laugh with his whistling and singing.  Such a great place to work.

We saw the oddest sight today.  I saw this beautiful young lady with waist length hair.  She turned and her head was shaved on the other side.  It was kind of freaky. 

We are going to go to the Thorvaldsen museum on Thursday.  We were going to go to the aquarium but apparently record numbers has been visiting this week of Easter break here.  We don't enjoy crowds, so we will wait for an off day. 

I have decided that the reason 'Easter' is such a big holiday here, is because it is Spring.  The days are longer and lengthening every day and weather is warming.  What a better way to celebrate than with eggs and little bunnies.  Sadly it has nothing to do with the Savior.

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