Tuesday, April 8, 2014

April Showers...

We have had several days of rain.  Not sprinkles but rain, so bad that I need to start carrying an extra something to wear at work so my other clothes can dry.  It is always interesting what every day throws at us.

Jeppe had to go in for his six month check-up today, so he was late coming in.  He has type 1 Diabetes.  He was diagnosed when he was 16.  He told me that Denmark has one of the largest Caucasian diabetes populations - usually Type 1.  I started getting light headed and ate lunch before we could eat with the others.  He came in started telling me what to eat and how to eat so I wouldn't have a drop in blood sugar.  I didn't have the heart to tell him that I thought it was because of a migraine headache I had been fighting all morning.  I am glad he cares enough to share his wisdom with me.

There is a young woman on the train car we ride in every morning that puts on her make-up while she rides.  She has already started putting on her make-up before we ever get on the train.  She is still working on it almost 12 minutes later when we arrive at the Copenhagen Central Station.  She has so many concealers and highlighters that they are actually for certain parts of her face.  She is fascinating to watch but you don't want to stare.  I have to admit that she is quite beautiful when we arrive in Copenhagen.  Clyde calls her 'Make-up' Girl.

We ride in the silent car of the train.  We so rarely can sit by each other on the train anyway.  We have become very accustomed to the quiet ride.  Someone's phone rang while we were in that car, one day, and everyone in that car glared until he left the car finally.

The indexes we are doing are rough.  Lots of torn pages and broken bindings.  These are the books that everyone has to look through in order to find the book with the name they are looking for.  It has been interesting but hopefully we will finish it quickly.


Heidi Noel said...

The "silent car"? What is the purpose? It seems odd.

Grandma Bailey said...

It is the train car that you can sit quietly in and read. No phone calls or electronic devices blaring. It is wonderful to sit there in the quiet and meditate while watching Copenhagen go by.