Sunday, April 20, 2014

Godt Paaske (Happy Easter)

In celebration of Easter, here are scenes from the sweet little church we meet in every Sunday.  On the far right of the above picture, you can see the small flag of Denmark they fly when the big flag is not up.  It looks like a ships runner flag but with the Danish symbol on it.

A better view of the flag and steeple.

The side view of the building.  This was the direction we walked until 2 weeks ago when they changed the bus route.

The stairs leading downstairs to the class room area.

The front foyer as you hang up your coat.  The lighted window on the right is the front door and the stairwell is to the left behind the door.  That door leads into the chapel area.

The over flow area of the chapel.  The door in the back is the kitchen.  We are not supposed to take pictures of our chapels, so I won't.  I might sneak one just before we leave because it is very Danish and very beautiful.  Today we sang "He is Risen" and "Christ the Lord is Risen Today".  I missed singing "That Easter Morn".  I know a lot of people do not like that hymn because it is in a minor key.  I love the message in it and have been singing it all day.  It was a beautiful service today.  Our High Counsel Speaker told us that he is one of the people that translates General Conference into Danish.  They listen to the speakers and translate as the talk is given.  Then they get written copies of the talks and tweak the translation.  It is then sent to the Ensign/Liahona for review and publication.  We will not receive our Danish Conference issue until the middle of May.

I am getting to the point with some things that I hear what is said and understand it subconsciously.  For example a little girl was quite irate with her father because he wouldn't let her wander around the bus.  When they got off the bus, I realized that I had understood everything that was said and it had to have been in Danish.

Tomorrow, weather permitting, we head to the zoo.

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