Monday, April 14, 2014

Another day at the office...

There is just a skeleton crew at the office this week.  There was us and 5 other people.  Everyone else has the week off because of Easter.  The train and bus were not bad this morning but the train station was so packed that our bustling to get on the train before it left was like an obstacle course.  We did just barely make our train.  I am so glad.  I have felt beyond awful today and really wanted to come home.  I put some soup on for dinner and promptly fell asleep.  I am running a fever again but it isn't too bad.  I don't want to be sick from work anymore for a while.

There was a big party across the hall on Saturday night.  It filled the apartment with smoke from the cigarettes (that are illegal to smoke indoors) and we had to wear earplugs to keep the din down.  We shut our bedroom door but the smoke and noise snuck in anyway.  I got up twice and opened the windows to air the apartment out.  I still had to boil lemon rinds and cinnamon to help alleviate the smell yesterday morning.  The party broke up about 2 a.m. and then there was another hour of slamming doors while people loaded up their stuff.  Someone from the stairwell went and banged on the door at about 1:30 or I think the party may have gone on all night.  Not a fun way to start the Sabbath.

I have concluded that I am allergic to cigarette smoke.  After the party, I have felt awful from all of that second hand smoke.  I start to feel better and then have smoke blown in my face from the wind and I am miserable again.  It was bad enough with mold and pine trees but to add this - it is going to be one rough year.

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