Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Made it to work

Today I finally was able to get up and go and do something.  Of course it was raining and cold but it is getting lighter.

Jeppe came in so excited to work today to tell me he made sourdough pancakes for his extended family.  He multiplied the recipe by 8 and they had a feast.  He sent the recipe home with his mother and mother-in-law.  Jeppe also told me that they are still his sons favorite food.

We have lunch with everyone in the office on Tuesdays.  Today the buzz was the Copenhagen zoo feeding the giraffe to the lion and curling at the Olympics.  Apparently 2 years ago, the giraffes bred on their own.  The zoo had planned on 1 and ended up with 3 giraffes.  They were able to place 2 of them but the one that was left had some health issues.  They would have kept it but the enclosure is not big enough to accommodate another giraffe.  Internationally there are very specific regulations on this kind of thing.  They prepared the giraffe (killing it humanely) and fed it to the lions.  If you think about it, this giraffe would have been lion food in the wild anyway.  I thought it was quite practical but I think I am in the minority.

The office  has a Curling team and so they have been avidly watching the Olympics.  I personally think Curling is a ridiculous sport but it is fun to listen to it in Danish.  The commentators repeat things over and over so I have plenty of time to process what they are saying.

We did 5 books today but had to quit because our memory is full.  We are transferring files from one drive to another and that will literally take all night.  Tomorrow we should have our memory freed up a bit so we can digitize again.  Family Search needs to get us more memory.

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