Friday, January 24, 2014

Thank Goodness it is Friday!

We had a full production week.  We did lose 2 hours on Monday but still got 3 good sized books done.  Today we were 1/2 hour late getting in because our bus never showed.  We thought we might have missed it, but people that ride the same bus everyday with us were waiting too.  Must have broken down.

We had our best production week so far too.  It was a good week and we feel good about our accomplishments.  Hopefully on Monday we will get a hard drive that is programmed correctly.  We desperately need more memory because our downloads are so big.  Hopefully someone somewhere will get it worked out.

It was bitter cold today.  We had a wind chill factor of 11F this afternoon coming home.  I was a bit uncomfortable but not as cold as Clyde since I have Danish winter gear now.  So grateful for that.  It was light by the time we got to work and light when we got home!  So excited about that.

Hopefully we can go grocery shopping tomorrow and then stay home for the rest of the day.  I would love a day that I didn't have to go anywhere!

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