Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Can a coat be too warm?

With the winter weather finally hitting us - Clyde bought me a new coat on Monday.  It is an 'IcePeak' brand and supposed to go to -20 degrees.  It is the first coat I have ever had that I am truly warm.  In fact if I put it on too soon, I get overheated indoors in it.  From my toes to the top of my head, I am toasy.  Sometimes my nose gets a little cold but that is it. 

I somehow bruised my little toe and the one next to it on my right foot.  By the end of the day I am hurting quite bad.  I dread the walk home.  I am not quite sure how I did it - but it hurts.  I thought I might have broken one of my toes - but it is the side and tip that hurt the most.  Oh well - this too shall pass.

I am so grateful to my sister, Marianne.  The last few weeks I was still stateside, she helped me get my wardrobe together, making several tops for me and a sweater that I wear so much.  I would say, that I wear something of hers almost everyday.  I always get compliments on what she made me.  She was getting two missionaries ready to go at the same time and did a beautiful job - plus making Molly something new to wear every Sunday. 

We are not getting as many books done BUT we are doing more names.  It used to be our books topped out at 6,000 names but new we go into 8,000 and do over 700 pages per book.  We are doing as much work as ever, but it can't be counted in volumes as much as pages right now.  We are into 1913.  Should finish the week with the big influenza epidemic of 1918 and 1919.

There is a magazine at work that is called Historie.  It is history articles and is fascinating.  The articles are not terribly long and are pretty easy to read.  There was one article about how in the 1930's the flight from London to Sidney took 3 days and had 30 stops.  The airplane even came with a sleeping cabin for each passenger.

Frederick was talking to me this morning about how the work was going.  He asked me if we would have to take the immigration test and I said that we would but that we had a copy to study from.  He asked if he could get one because his wife is from Chile.  He said that in the next little while several of the wives will have to take the test.  Interesting.  I hope to get a new copy from the mission office just for our office mates.

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