Sunday, January 5, 2014

Sunday - January 2014

Today as I was sitting listening to the testimonies in Church, I realized that even if I don't understand everything that is going on, I still need to attend Church to have my spiritual self refreshed.  If we try to do our own thing, we miss gleaning from others people's experiences that can be uplifting and helpful in our own lives.  I am so grateful that I went to church today because it was just what I needed  to feel closer to my Heavenly Father.

I spoke with a young man that I have never noticed before in Church.  He came and said that we take the same train in the morning.  He was quite excited to realize it was us and he said now he won't be afraid to speak to us.  Danes are very shy.  He teaches High School Spanish.  I still don't know his name.

Clyde will be attending the Investigator's Class from now on.  I must admit that I enjoyed my Sunday School time today in the YA English speaking class.  They asked me to attend the first week we got here.

I guess it is good that I don't have as much to report anymore.  It must mean I am staying caught up.  We had 2 families ride the bus home with us today.  They too have been called by their Stake President to attend the Ama'r Branch.  One of the little girls in one of the families is Rebecca.  She loves that we have the same name and  has taken to calling me Sister Rebecca.  Her parents were horrified but I told them it was fine.  She comes into church every week and gives me a hug.  I love that she loves her name so much.  I would say she about 10.

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