Monday, December 1, 2014

Happy Birthday, Heidi

A couple of months ago, our daughters had a 'sister weekend'.  Heather was focusing and Pam was playing but it is the only picture I have of Heidi without several people in it.  Happy Birthday Heidi.  We love you and are so proud of you.  (Brace yourself Pam, I may use this same picture for you!)

I am going to do something a bit different than I have done in past Decembers.  I am going to list a scripture to be read every day from today to Christmas Eve.  These are scriptures on Service.  What a great time of year for that theme.  The first one is from the Book of Mormon.  It is Mosiah18:21.
Here is a very short story for the day.  I promise to do better in the future.  This is strictly a children's story. 
Pammie the Penguin
Pammie was a penguin who lived at the South Pole.  From the time she was very little, every Christmas, her mother read her stories of Santa Claus.  Pammie so wanted to live at the North Pole.  Every Christmas she dreamt of living at the North Pole with Santa Claus and his wife.
It was time for Pammie to grow up and move on.  She wondered what she wanted to do and where she wanted to go.  She sat on a hill in the vast wasteland.  From where she sat, she could see a bit of blue from the ocean but everywhere else was shades of nothing but white.  Suddenly she had an idea.  What if she wrote Santa and told him her hearts desire?  So Pammie got a piece of paper and a pencil and wrote her letter.  She let the wind carry it away, knowing it would soon be in Santa's hands. 
On Christmas Eve she went to sleep in her snow cave.  She hoped that Santa would answer her request.  When she awoke, she was not surrounded by ice and shades of white anymore.  She was in a little house with candy cane striped walls and garlands in the windows for curtains.  She had her dearest wish fulfilled.
She made her way to find Santa.  Pammie wanted to tell him she was so happy.  Santa wrapped her in his arms and told her that he had always wanted a little penguin to live with him.  From then on, Pammie was busy and happy helping Santa and his wife do the wonderful things to get ready for Christmas.  ~The End~

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