Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve 2014

The Scripture today is going to be a little different.  I was thinking about the Spiritual Gifts I have been given and wanted to share this scripture: 2 Corinthians 9:15

We did nothing spectacular today.  I watched some of the Christmas TV they had today.  However this afternoon I was trying to figure out what Annie or the Sound of Music had to do with Christmas.  I finally turned everything off and Clyde and I spent 2 hours watching Mormon Channel videos after reading the scriptures.  It has been a fun day.  I am trying so hard not to be lonesome and weepy.  I do miss my family.  This is our third Christmas without family and I am frankly looking forward to noisy and wild celebrations with lots of grandchildren underfoot.  So looking forward to being with everyone we love next year.

Christmas offering:

O Holy child of Bethlehem
Descent to us, we pray;
Cast out our sin, and enter in,
Be born in us today.
We hear the Christmas angels
The great glad tidings tell;
Oh come to us, abide with us
Our Lord Emmanuel.
~ Phillips Brooks ~

'Twas the Night After Christmas
~ Clement Clarke Moore ~
'Twas the night after Christmas,
And all through the house
Not a creature was stirring excepting a mouse.
The stockings were flung in haste over the chair,
For hopes of St. Nicholas were no longer there.
The Children were restlessly tossing in bed;
For the pie and the candy were heavy as lead;
While Mamma in her kerchief and I in my gown,
Had just made up our minds that we would not lie down,
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my chair to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I went with a dash,
Flung open the shutter and threw up the sash.
The moon on the breast of the new fallen snow
Gave the luster of noon-day to objects below.
When what to my long anxious eyes should appear
But a horse and sleigh, but old-fashioned and queer;
With a little old driver, so solemn and slow,
I knew I a moment it must be Dr. Brough.
I drew in my head and was turning around,
When upstairs came the Doctor with scarcely a sound,
He wore a thick overcoat, made long ago,
And the beard on his chin was white with the snow.
He spoke a few words and went straight to his work;
He felt all the pulses and then turned with a jerk.
And laying a finger aside of his nose,
With the nod of his head, to the chimney he goes:
"A spoonful of oil, ma'am if you have it handy;
No nuts and no raisins, no pies and no candy.
These tender young stomachs cannot well digest
All the sweets that they get; toys and books are the best.
But I know my advice will not find many friends,
For the custom of Christmas the other way tends.
The fathers and mothers and Santa Claus too,
Are exceedingly blind.  Well a good night to you."
And I  heard him exclaim, as he drove out of sight;
"These feastings and candies make Doctor's bill right".
Thought this would be a fun follow up from yesterday.  Merry Christmas to all.  We love you dearly.

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