Friday, December 26, 2014

Second Chrstmas

This is for my sister more than anything else.  These are the billboards they have used in Europe forever.  This is actually an old fashioned one.  The new ones are lit up and the pictures change out every few seconds.  They are quite amazing.

Last week we did a book that took us the longest of any book we have ever done.  Here are a few pictures.  We are not sure if any information can be extracted from this or not.

Multiple little pieces of paper were attached into the binding that had to be photographed as well as the original pages with nothing attached to them.  It was a long and tedious.

Hopefully we will never have another book like it again.

Today is what is known as Second Christmas in Denmark.  It is a holiday and very few businesses are open today.  I guess it is to recuperate from the last 2 days.
We have had quiet day of reading.  We did run to the corner store and get some milk but other than that is has been a true day off.
Christmas Offering:
You little children, in whose eyes
Undimmed the light of heaven glows,
Whose dreams are bright with paradise,
Whose souls are whiter than the snows,
From holy lips and undefiled,
Breathe your soft prayer to Christ, the Child!
And you whose thinning locks are sprent
With unreturning Autumns rime,
Whose heads, like wind-worn trees are bent,
Beneath the savage storms of time -
Pray Christ, the Child, to be your guide
Past the dim shoal, where shadows bide,
O saving hands! O Christ, that hears
A mortal mother's lullabies;
That feels our agony and tears,
Whose bosom trembles with our sighs,
Give us pure hearts and undefiled,
Make us like Thee, O Christ, the Child.
~ Unknown ~

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