Friday, December 19, 2014

Festive Friday

Scripture of the day: Matthew 7:12

We attended the temple today and got that wonderful feeling that you can only get in the temple.  This afternoon Elder Thorne took us to get a new microwave.  So nice to have that wonderful luxury again.  I photo bombed a picture of the missionaries that have been here 1 month.  I was leaving the temple and they were standing on the steps just outside the temple.  Clyde and I ended up taking pictures so that President and Sister Sederholm could be in the picture too.  Fun afternoon.

Jokes for my grandchildren:
Why was the computer quiet on Christmas Eve?
~ Because, not  creature was stirring, not even a mouse!

Why did the snowman name his dog 'Frost'?
~ Because 'Frost' bites!

What do you get when you cross a peanut with a duck?
~ A nut-quacker!

As It Fell Upon a Day
~ Poor Robin ~
A handsome hostess, a merry host,
A pot of drink and share a toast,
Lots of treats and a good warm fire,
Are things this season doth require!

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