Tuesday, December 2, 2014

December 2

Scripture of the day: Ephesians 6:8

Today was Zone Conference and we learned about 'Share the Gift' at Christmas.mormon.org
This is a short video on the greatest Christmas Gift of all.  I highly recommend it.  We will be given pass-along cards to hand out in Danish, thanks to a brother from the Fredericksburg Ward.  Such a blessing.  We then had a traditional Danish Christmas Dinner which consisted of roasted pork with the rind cooked until is crispy like pork rinds.  SO GOOD!  The sides were cooked cabbage and potatoes with a sugar glaze on it - like we make sweet potatoes.  For dessert we had Danish Rice Pudding.  There are whole almonds hidden in the dessert.  Whoever finds an almond - they must keep secret until everyone has finished their desserts.  Then the person with whole almond stands and gets a special present.  Clyde got a whole almond today and received a small 2015 calendar, a box of breath mints and a 'marzipan roll' that tastes a lot like Almond Joy.
Very fun day.

Today for my Christmas offering, I am doing Seasonal Jokes.

What kind of music do elves like best?
Wrap music

What do you call a snowman in the summer?
A puddle

Why did the elf put his bed in the fireplace?
He wanted to sleep like a log.

Why did the Christmas cookie go to the doctor?
Because he was feeling crummy

What do you call a camel at the North Pole?
Have a great day.

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