Monday, December 15, 2014

Magic Monday

Scripture of the day:  Ether 12:33-34

It was a fast moving morning.  This afternoon did start to drag a bit but then I went down and talked to Mona and Elisabeth.  After that the afternoon sped by.  I wonder if we will ever come home not fried.  Probably the last week we are here!

Christmas offering:  Yesterday were given a Christmas Quiz in Relief Society.  I thought I would share.

Who was John the Baptist's father?
a. A carpenter that worked with Joseph.
b. A soldier with the Roman legion.
c. A priest in the temple
d.  We don't know.

Where did the angels tell the shepherds to find the Baby Jesus?
a. in Bethlehem
b. in a manger
c. in a house
d. we don't know

Who sent the Wise Men to Bethlehem?
a. A Heavenly Angel
b. King Herod
c. No one.  A star guided them there.
d. We don't know

How many Wise Men were there?
a. two
b. three
c. five
d. We don't know

Where did the Wise Men find the Baby Jesus?
a. in a manger
b. in a garden
c. in a house
d. We don't know

How old was Jesus when the Wise Men found him?
a. a new born
b. a little boy
c. a grown man
d. We don't know

What gifts did the Wise Men bring to Jesus?
a. gold, silver and bronze
b. gold frankincense and myrrh
c. Nothing because they had to travel so far.
d. We don't know

What does Emmanuel mean?
a. King
b. God with us
c. prophet
d. teacher

When Mary, Joseph and Jesus came back from Egypt, where did they live?
a. They never came back
b. Bethlehem
c. Nazareth
d. Jerusalem

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