Thursday, December 4, 2014

St. Nicholas Day

Scripture: Revelation 2:19

A gentle reminder to my daughters that need it.  Tomorrow night you put your shoes out for St. Nicholas.  This will give you today and tomorrow to take care of that.  In Denmark, instead of shoes they hang a stocking.  This is where the tradition of stockings drying and being filled began.  They just do it on December 5 for the morning of the 6th instead of on Christmas Eve.  But the tradition is dying out - which is sad.

The winter solstice draws the year to a close.  The promise of light and the commencement of the year are hailed with rejoicing and thanksgiving.  Christmas celebrates the birth of our Savior as well as the restoration of daily light.  Since the beginning of time, people have looked forward to Christ's birth.

Christ is our true friend and Savior.  Sadly the struggle against Christ is ongoing.  But we as Christians can anticipate the time when He will be victorious over all.  We need to remember to be truly Christian in our daily activities.

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