Sunday, November 30, 2014

Thankful Day 30:

Today I am thankful for: So many things to be thankful for.  I live a very blessed life.

A thought for Advent:
December is a holy month.  Maybe it is the dark, the silence that closes the days so quickly here.  This is a special time of year.  In just a few weeks, the sun will start shining a few minutes longer each day.  Every minute will be appreciated.  But no matter how dark it is now, we KNOW that the light is coming back.  We also know that one day the LIGHT of this world will come back to and reign in all of His glory. 

Christmas is a time of renewal for me.  Leading up to it is a time for rejoicing in family and friends.  It is also a time to recommit ourselves to Christ and try to live more Christlike lives every day.

Advent literally means 'The Coming'.  The sunlight is coming AND the light of the Son is coming.  It doesn't get better than that.  During this Advent Season, may we awaken our own light within us.  May we be reborn with a firmer resolve to deepen our love of our Savior and live His Gospel more fully. 

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