Sunday, November 9, 2014

Thankful Day 9:

Today I am grateful for loving and very supportive family and friends in my life.  I have been blessed with loved ones that lift me, support and are just there when I need them.  I thank you all for your love.

Today Tomas Kofod spoke in Stake Conference.  He played 'Christ' in the first movie that was shown at the Joseph Smith building 18 years ago.  When he was set apart as Christ by Elder Neal A. Andersen (then of the 70), Tomas was told to pay attention to the little things.  While he as acting, there was a time when he passed a shepherd.  As the Savior, Tomas acknowledged the shepherd - just as Christ would have.  There was another situation where he helped a man collect fruit that he had dropped.  The script said to help and then move on BUT the man gave the fruit to the Savior and Tomas was prompted to accept it.  Receiving is Christlike.  His words were profound.  The talks today in Stake Conference were uplifting and brought peace to my soul.  I was so glad I was able to attend.  Now to be able to go a full day tomorrow.  I want to get back to work and complete the job the Lord has given us.

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