Sunday, November 16, 2014

Thankful Day 16:

Today I am grateful for the opportunity we have of attending the Ama'er Branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  What a wonderful place to share the love of the Gospel.  Today was the Primary program with all 5 of the children in our Branch participating.  Rebecca Pedersen, age 9, was baptized last spring.  She said that when she came up out of the water, she knew she had left her sins behind in the water.  Rebecca knew she had been washed clean.  These are her words.  She was truly speaking from her heart.  It was all like that.  They sang 'I am a Child of God' in Danish for the 4 verses in the Primary Song Book and then sang the first verse in English.  I couldn't stop crying it was so powerful.  I got up to lead the music and could not see it because I couldn't stop crying.  I had to just go by my gut instinct on that one.  I am grateful it wasn't a Danish hymn.

We had a beautiful day - though the gale force winds are just howling out there.  There soon will be no more leaves on the trees.  It was so dark today at 2:30, we had to turn on lights to see.  This is how it will be for a long time.
My new hat by the Stevns Klint or Stevns Cliffs in Denmark.  I love my hat.  I originally bought it for one of our daughters but she isn't getting it now.  She can have my other one - maybe.
The sea the shore under the cliffs.  This does not do it justice.

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