Saturday, November 8, 2014

Thankful Day 8:

Today I am grateful for a cozy apartment and nice warm bed.  Still not feeling on top of the world BUT I am not feeling as awful as the last few days.
Clyde is at Stake Leadership Meeting and the first session of Stake Conference.  This will probably be our last stake conference here.  Interesting how things go.  I can't believe how fast time is flying for the most part.  Yesterday a man came to see the archives and Jeppe said we had been there for a year.  On November 17th is our anniversary.  What a joy this has been.

Everyone has been worried about Clyde and me.  Yesterday Lars was telling Clyde how glad he was to see him back.
Lars: Tell Rebecca I miss her and I hope she is well soon.
Clyde: She was here...
Lars:  She is here - where (and he started to go find me)
Clyde:  She is already at the bus stop.  I am headed there now.
Lars:  Oh, okay.  Tell her 'hi' for me. 
(I loved this exchange but the real reason Lars wants me back is because he wants me to make ham and bean soup as his 'mother-in-law' for the office.  That will have to happen in the next few weeks.)

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