Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Not How We Planned

This morning we got up early and got ready to go to immigration and get our papers taken care of.  Clyde had looked up to make sure it was open today and the website stated the hours for the week and they would be open from 8:30-5.  WRONG!  We got there and took our 50 minute bus ride down to the office and they were closed today because of a conference.  Fortunately we are learning our way around and realized if we took bus 6A back to the Copenhagen Central Station, we could pick up bus 250S and get to work.  We arrived about 1 1/2 hours past our usual time but were able to get 5 books done today.

We think we found the problem with D-Cam shutting down on us all of the time.  About a month ago, the office got a new dishwasher.  Since then there have been problems with brownouts.  We thought the electricians had it figured out but today, after lunch when they were running the dishwasher, D-Cam shut down again.  Clyde went to turn all of the switches off so that we could wait 5 or 10 minutes and reboot.  When he switched off the main terminal, he noticed that the green light was flashing, meaning that it had gone to auxiliary power, using the battery.  Tomorrow Jeppe and Frederick are going to run our wiring to go across the room to the other outlet on the other side of our space.  There is not as much drain on those circuits.  Hopefully that will solve this problem, once and for all.

On the way home this afternoon from the train, Clyde and I saw a  mother duck walking with her 3 baby ducklings.  It was the cutest thing I have ever seen.  Of course I didn't have my camera with me.

Congratulations to Brandon, our son-in-law for getting the position of Quality Control Officer at the turkey plant.  We are excited to have you in our ward and be close by.

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