Thursday, May 29, 2014

Ascension Day

Today is a holiday.  We did not know it was a Danish Holiday until we got on the train to come home after going all of the way into the city.  They came to check our tickets and I asked the Transit Official if it was a holiday.  He said it is a Danish National Holiday and it honors the day Christ ascended into heaven after His Crucifixion.  We thought things were awfully quiet but when we saw no one we recognized on the train station or at the bus stop - we knew something was up.  Then I realized the buses were traveling on their holiday schedule.  At the train station I said we needed to go home.  It would have been 45 minutes to the next bus had we gone into the office building and I was just not up to walking.  So instead - on the way home we stopped by the bakery and got some hard rolls and pastries.  Clyde hates surprises and so this has been a bit of an off day.  However I am grateful for the day to get some laundry done and be able to have some down time.  We really don't get that much.

We spent the morning deep cleaning our room.  We flipped the mattresses around and are in the process of doing sheets.  I think we will hang them outside today so we can get them to dry quicker.  That would be helpful.

Clyde went home teaching this afternoon.  It takes so long to do anything here.  First of all the city is so big and then the public transportation always takes time.  It is just one of the quirks of living here.

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