Saturday, May 10, 2014

A Good Saturday in May

The weather is better today (and today only) so I don't hurt as bad as I did last night.  I am glad. 

We did our grocery shopping in the mall grocery stores today.  The produce there is fresher than in the independent ones around the neighborhood except for Brugsen's and they are very fresh but very expensive.  While we were in the mall, the Lions Club of Hvidore was running a children's marathon.  Not only that but you couldn't be older than 8 years old and the minimum was 3.  It was the cutest thing I have ever seen.  One little girl - about 4 in a pink tutu and bright sparkly pink tennis shoes, was telling everyone 'Hi' as she ran by.  Really made me homesick for my grandchildren.

I saw a stork flying overhead as we left the mall.  It was beautiful.  I can honestly say that I have never seen a stork in flight in nature ever before.  It was quite awe inspiring.  Hans Christian Andersen and the Grimm brothers wrote many stories about storks.  I was happy to witness this.

As we were coming home, a young man stopped us and asked us where the nearest grocery store was.  He was thrilled that we could direct him and it was so close.  I was thrilled we could help him.  Fortunately  - a all Danes do - he spoke English.  We did tell him where the nearest chain he asked for in Danish but the nearest grocery stores turned out to be a better deal for him.

We had an amazing supper of oven baked foil wrapped salmon with rice and lemon.  We also had roasted asparagus and fresh fruit and vegetables.  Probably on of the best meals I have fixed since moving here.

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