Saturday, May 31, 2014

Fever is 101.2

I didn't write yesterday because I couldn't.  My head was pounding and I ached all over.  Plus I had twisted my left knee on the walk to the train station yesterday morning.  I was prompted to go back home but didn't listen.  By the time we got to work, my left knee was twice the size of my right knee.  I finally just left Clyde at work and came home on my own.  By the time I got home, I was aching all over and my head was pounding.  My fever was 101.4 and I didn't check it for the rest of the day.  I was feeling a bit better today but still achy.  My temp was 101.2 earlier this afternoon.  My head still hurts and I want to go back to bed with a cool cloth over my eyes.

I hope there is someone to lead the singing tomorrow because I am not up to going to church - especially if I am still running a fever tonight.   I don't have a Branch member directory - so I can't call anyone.

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