Thursday, May 1, 2014

May Day!

First of all, Happy Birthday Annie!  Hope you have a wonderful day and an even better year.

We are getting a holiday because it is basically Labor Day in Copenhagen.  Not all cities celebrate it but Copenhagen let all of their city workers off today.  I laugh when people talk about the easy 40 hour work week in the US.  Here NO ONE works more than 37 hours - usually about 35 hours but never more.  Yesterday we were the first ones in the office and the last ones out.  We had to make sure everything was locked up.  That happened around Christmas time too.

Today we went to the Valby (pronounced Val-boo) mall.  Clyde got two short sleeved polo shirts and we got some fluorescent green and blue pots to replant our plants in.  We have an ugly black bucket for the tomato plant.  The Pepperoni plant went into the green pot and the gardenia in the blue.  They look very nice and I am sure they will love having some wiggle room.  We also got an umbrella chair for our trip in July to Viborg.  I am hoping to talk the other couples into stopping in Odense for a quick gander at Hans Christian Andersen's home but we will see.  I may not ever get there.  A disappointment but not life altering.

The sun is rising at 5:30 a.m. and setting at 8:49 p.m.  On a day like today, that is a lot of sunshine and it feel incredible.  Tomorrow the weather is supposed to cool a bit.  We will see.

Life is going well.

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