Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day, 2014

It is Mother's Day in Denmark too.  They sang "Popcorn Popping" and "Mother I Love You".  It was wonderful.  Then they passed out the little blossom bouquets of small mums.  It was inexpensive and very sweet.  I could attach my bouquet to my clip on my nametag and have a corsage.  It was a special morning.

I learn so much in Relief Society from the lessons.  It is like when we read the Book of Mormon in Danish and English.  Things are phrased slightly differently and it gives you a new perspective.  Today as we were talking about the priesthood, Sister Helen taught that we will be strengthened the more we read of the scriptures and good books.  Knowledge is the one thing we can take with us.  The more we search for knowledge in the Gospel, the more we will be blessed. 

In a talk today, Sister Hannah Olsen (the Relief Society President) said that every time she goes to the temple she is given guidance and revelation about how to improve her life.  She goes weekly but before, when they had to travel to Switzerland, it was a momentous time to be at the temple because it wouldn't happen more than one or 2 times a year.  She was very careful to listen to the promptings and follow through on them.  I had not thought to do that every time.  I go for specific reasons, such as inspiration for a lesson or talk but I had never really thought to seek ways to better myself every time I went.  Let's face it - I have always been slow on the uptake here.  I will do that now.

I would like to wish a Happy Mother's Day to all of the women in my life.  My sister is one of the best mothers I know.  My daughter's and nieces have set such a good example to me of what a good mother is.  My friends and loved ones have shown me so many ways to improve myself as a mother.  I am grateful to all of you for making my life better.

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