Sunday, May 18, 2014

And the heavens opened.

Today was supposed to be partly cloudy with isolated showers.  I just brought an umbrella to church.  When we left, it was raining so hard that Clyde and I were soaked through - even with the umbrella.  Now it is raining even harder.  I came home, hung my clothes up to dry and took a shower to warm up and be clean.  I was still rather chilled so I warmed up a very small cup of the chili.  Just what I needed.

This morning, Jerrn (our organist) was telling me that "It May Not Be on a Mountain Top" was his favorite hymn.  However what he told me was " I will be where you sent me" was the hymn.  I looked at him a bit puzzled and then he played it.  I love the direct translation.

Bir is a little 3 year old that has autism in our ward.  He is just starting to speak and now chatters all of the time.  He had a some play food - a piece of deep dish pizza and a ketchup bottle - that he was going around and 'squirting' ketchup on the pizza and handing it to people, just before church.  He came to me and handed the pizza.  I started to put it toward my mouth when he yelled, "Nej, Nej!"  (No no).  I started making gobbling sounds and made  Bir laugh so hard.  He went around to everyone in the room and told them to go - making the sound I made.  Then he would laugh.  I said, "Who knew we needed pizza before church?"  Everyone laughed and one of the brothers said, "Well Bir is attending our needs very well."  Then Bir came back and told me all of the toppings on the pizza.  He speaks no English, so this was all in Danish.  I was quite proud that he kept back to me to 'talk.'

I had a very spiritual day but have written enough for today.  I will delve into the things I learned more this coming week.

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