Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pick-Up Sticks

This has got to be one of the dorkiest pictures of me ever!  My buck teeth are showing well and I look like I am in spasm.  When I was younger, I loved playing Pick-up sticks.  Marianne and I were quite dramatic about it.  Bob would make the sticks fly far apart so there was no sport in it.  Marianne and I would try and get them to practically fall on top of each other.  That made it much more suspenseful!  We started playing on the floor because Bob would jiggle the table and mess up the game.  It is a little harder to jiggle the floor.  Growing up we played a lot of games together, as siblings and as a family.  Another thing my father did, when he had time, was read to us.  He read us Call of the Wild and my parents read us The Peterkin Papers together.  We read scriptures together too, but Bob was pretty big toad when it came to that (Family Home Evening too).  Family Scripture Study was sporadic because of Dad's schedule and Mom's health issues.

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