Monday, July 28, 2014

Miserable Monday

I shouldn't complain about the weather but if I don't here, it will be with a Dane and I don't want to offend.  Currently it is 79 degrees with a feel like temperature of 90.  The humidity is at 90%.  It feels like San Antonio, Texas in May or early June - without air conditioning!  Lars asked if it was " enough to me."  I corrected his phrasing and said, " it hot enough for you?"  He started laughing and said, "That makes no sense."  Bo said, "Is it supposed too?"  Love being with those guys.  I think we are offending Bo with our music.  We may have to turn it way down or stop listening.  I feel bad when I walk by and his office door is closed.  He needs the cross ventilation - or maybe he likes it hot.  Don't know.

I wish it would cool down so the Danes will put their clothes on.  Today I saw a dozen people sitting on their balconies in their underwear.  The one thing I can be grateful for is the women WERE wearing bras.

We got 9 books done today.  We would have done at least one more big book but we had to download new software for our camera and that took 1 hour and 20 minutes.  That seriously cut into our camera time.

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