Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Hectic Day

I am getting tired of the glitches.  If we didn't have to shut down the computer after every book - we would get a lot done!  We end up with 5 hours camera time and 1+ hours downtime.  So frustrating.

Jeppe made juice today.  I need to learn to stay away from his juice It will grow hair on MY chest!  He called the juice today, "Manly juice.  A little more intense than usual."  I drank it down in one gulp (he gave me some in a shot glass) and then I went looking for something - anything to cut the burn.  I decided 1 Tablespoon of that juice would make pot of chili too hot!  It certainly made me 'sweat' and that did help cool me down.

We are going to President and Sister Sederholm's tonight for dinner.  We have a new senior couple from Rexburg, Idaho - going to Odense.  They are Blackham's of the Moroni Blackham family.  It will be a fun evening.

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