Sunday, July 20, 2014

A Spiritual Sunday

I had a bit of an epiphany in Sacrament Meeting today.  The chances of me surviving all of my health problems are pretty slim.  I have the priesthood blessings to thank for being here today and doing as well as I am.  That thought was one of the most spiritual personal thoughts I have ever experienced.  I am grateful for the priesthood holders in my life that have been there when I need it.

Church was amazing.  I learned that Isabella and Luke are in the top 5 names for babies right now.  What has that got to do with church?  No matter how we try - our names are associated with us.  Paul changed his name from Saul because of the notoriety of the name Saul to every disciple of Christ.  When they hear the name Rebecca Brugger Bailey - what does someone think?  I hope it is a positive thought at least.

Sunday School class was amazing but every week I realize more and more that we need to get the English speaking adults out of the Young Adult class.  We are constantly stepping on toes (and tongues) of the young people.  They know that they don't have to answer because one of us old fogeys will.  Not conducive to learning on their part.

This afternoon we went to dinner at the Clawson's.  He managed the production of the films done for the temple in 1990.  It was a fascinating discussion and very spiritual.  It has been a good day.

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