Thursday, July 24, 2014

Happy Birthday Anneke!

Today, our granddaughter, Anneke Susan Bahlmann is 10 years old.  She is the fifth of our grandchildren to get into the double digit birthdays.  This is making me feel very old.  We love you Anneke and look forward to spending your 11th birthday together.  (I stole the picture from your mother's blog!)

I learned a valuable lesson today.  Don't do FamilySearch when you only have a few minutes.  I found some more ancestor's on my Grandma Sarah's side - the Overlade's.  They were in the wagon trains to go west after Nauvoo.  They are from Aalborg - in fact a suburb of Aalborg called Overlade!  Jeppe was helping me at work find some information on them.  He was having a great time.  However by doing that before work this morning, it threw my whole morning off.  I am excited to learn more - but not anything that wasn't already on FamilySearch.  I just personally did not know that much about this family.  They were one of the first families to settle in Ephraim but I don't think there are any Overlade's there now.

It was a good day but I am so glad it is temple day tomorrow.  We have a lot to be thankful for in this family!

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