Thursday, March 6, 2014

You've Got mail

The Danes are very practical.  This is the POST cart.  It has bins in the front of the 'tricycle' and some on the back.  It has a small engine to make the delivery route easier.  I tried to get the postman in here too, but he declined.  I think this would be a great way for the US mail to be delivered in most parts of the country.  It would certainly save fuel costs.

Clyde went to the DR again today.  His infection rate is 1/2 of what it was Tuesday, so the antibiotics are doing their job  He is to follow up with our assigned physician on Monday.  We both have those deep coughs but hopefully they are doing their job.
The normal place we shop is over 1/2 mile away.  Clyde and I are both having a hard time making it up and down the stairs, so to walk that far for groceries has seemed impossible.  It dawned on us today that we could go to the grocery store 3 stops away and ride the bus.  We wouldn't be as fatigued and we would be able to get what we needed with little effort.
I am now rambling big time.  I just want to get back into the groove of what we are supposed to be doing.  We are going to have to go through all of the aches and pains we suffered when we first started if we don't get back soon.

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