Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Chocolate Covered Licorice and other bites

Last week the archives - under Jeppe's direction, sent us red tulips and chocolate covered black licorice.  We have enjoyed the flowers but our taste buds weren't quite ready to try the licorice.  We did Sunday and have been enjoying them ever since.  I have a new favorite candy.  I starts off like bitter chocolate then you get the smooth milk chocolate taste and then the bite of the licorice.  So good.  Clyde is even enjoying them.

We did make it back to work today.  Everyone came in to see us.  It turns out that Helge and Sorens have both had lung infections.  Sorens is now going on the 6th week and 3rd round of antibiotics.  Don't know if that is where we got it or the public transportation.

They have upped the price of our transportation pass.  It was 800 krone each when we first moved here but has now gone to 1000 each.  If it wasn't a must have, we would find ways to whittle it down but we don't have a choice.  We do enjoy riding in the silent car of the train.  So nice to just quietly sit there and not have to listen to people yacking on the phone or with each other.  Let's face it - we just like the train best.  Today we lost another bus for our ride into the office.  It was going to be there in 3 minutes and then sprang to 20.  So annoying.

The one thing I was sad about with missing work for the last 2 weeks, was we didn't get to say goodbye to Vannessa Venn.  Fortunately Annika had her email address, so we can keep in touch with her.  Annika is applying for a job in Iceland.  She is very excited about it.

It was a good day.  We only worked 3 1/2 hours but we did get 2 books done.

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