Sunday, March 9, 2014

Seeing a light at the end of the tunnel.

For over 2 weeks Clyde has been very ill.  I have been off and on for most of that time too.  We stayed home today and both of us slept most of the day.  We have neither one done that for a couple of days.  Don't know if yesterday just wore us out or if our bodies needed the rest to continue to heal.  Probably both.

With so little going on, there isn't much to blog about.  I am grateful that we don't have to fret about Daylight Savings Time.  We have enough light until quite late - so why mess with a good thing.  The sun is coming up a 6:30 am and going down at 6:15 pm.  Yes, I am doing a happy dance.  I think I can handle anything in the daylight.  Plus it was 52 degrees today.  Felt like a heat wave.

I am grateful that Clyde is feeling better and able to help with the dishes.  It goes so much quicker when he wipes and puts them away.  I am grateful that for the last couple of days he has felt well enough to help.

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