Friday, March 21, 2014

We Spent the morning in the Kobenhavn Stats Arkiv

As a warning, this is a very picture heavy post.  I have so much to say but doubt I will get it all in today.  This is a statue of Hans Christian Andersen.  It happens to be in front of the Copenhagen City Hall and on H.C. Andersen Blvd.  The wind was blowing and it was starting to sprinkle but we didn't know if the weather would be worse when we got out of the archives.  My hair looks awful and will continue to do so because I refuse to pay the ridiculous prices for a hair cut.  Clyde wanted me in the picture - I hate having my picture taken.
This is one of three gargoyles in front of the City Hall.  I managed to clip the nose off.  Will try for a better picture this summer.  Clyde lost so much weight while he was sick that he is having a hard time keeping his pants up.

This is me again in front of the city archive offices (it is carved in the top of the doorway).  The bust of Hans Christian Andersen beside me.  This is taken literally in the 'town hall'.  It is a big domed room that large gatherings are held in.  I wanted to take pictures of it but when we got out there was a big function taking place there, so we couldn't.  I meant to get a picture with Helge.  I have NEVER seen as many records as were here (even at the genealogy library in Salt Lake).  She kept showing us records that she hoped we would be digitizing.  If she has her wish, we will never make it the National Archives.  We were able to tell her things about the protocols we have been working on that she had no idea about.  That was fun.  She showed us special documents from the Bishop that founded Copenhagen in the 1100's and other very special documents through the ages.  That was wonderful and something we would never have had the opportunity to see otherwise.  I am very grateful for today.  It actually makes me more anxious to get this work out there.

This is pigeons sitting on the heat vents in front of City Hall.  I took this picture for Dane.

The front of the Kobenhavn Radhus (Copenhagen City Hall).  The building was constructed in 1902.

A building across the courtyard from city hall.  The construction of the left of the picture is for a subway they are trying to build.  It was supposed to be finished next year but now has been moved to 2020.

This picture is for Marianne, Bob and Popi.  These are nigerkussen (frolig bryllup in Danish).  They are a thin wafer with sweetened whipped air as a filling (it is somewhat like marshmallow but fluffier and not quite as sticky) and then covered with a thin layer of dark chocolate.  The package we picked up also had coconut nigerkussen.  I have to say that ordinarily I have to be in a certain mood for coconut but these were wonderful.  The coconut is actually fresh - not sugared like it is in the states.  Fun memories came as I ate these.  We would rush to the bakery in the mornings so we could have them for Family Home evening treats in Germany.  If we didn't get them early, we wouldn't have any.  They would be deflated and hollow if you didn't eat them the same day they were made.  In those days, the bakeries made them but now they are mass produced and stay fresh longer.

1 comment:

Heidi Noel said...

Chickens for Dane? You are so thoughtful. Those treats look delightful. I would like those when you come home please. :) Or, obtain a recipe so we can try them before?