Sunday, March 2, 2014


Not quite sure why but "Curious George" in Danish is "Peter Petal".   "East of Eden" is "East of Paradise" and the movie title "The Bad and the Beautiful" translates in to "The Illusion".  More and more we see that titles in Danish having nothing to resemble the original English Title.

It seems like for the last year we have been on a 'Hurry Up and Wait' mode.  Hurry up for a visas (waited 2 months).  Hurry up for Clyde to get better so we can do what we came here to do (over 2 weeks with no end in sight).  Hurry up and wait for our retirement (still have heard nothing).  It has been frustrating.  I guess we are supposed to learn something from all of this.

We stayed home as planned but it was a good thing we did.  Clyde had a step back last night.  We are both so tired of this.  One of the other Senior Sister Missionaries called to say that her companion, Sister Swena, is in the hospital with bowel problems.  Sister Swena has the worst case of Celiac Disease I have ever seen.  We are all praying for her.  That also put this in a different perspective, at least Clyde is not in the hospital.

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