Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Today we met Sabrina...

Today, a lovely woman came into the archives and introduced herself.  It was Sabrina, Jeppe's wife.  We had a wonderful visit.  She was very interested in what we were doing.  She loved the set up and was thrilled we would do this for the Danish people.  It was a wonderful opportunity to finally get a face with the name.  Jeppe is very proud of his family - and he should be.

Mio was back.  His dad had a meeting and as I walked back, I saw this little 5 year old bossing all of the people in his dad's office around and telling them what he wanted.  I just laughed.  He does come down to see us and tries to scare us.  Such a boy!

Pirnelle brought a tray of sprouts into lunch today.  The guys in the office had taken an old, broken keyboard and planted sprouts in it.  There was a note on her computer that said she had been gone so long, her keyboard had sprouted.  Like I have said before, this office is fun to work with.

It was interesting at lunch because everyone was talking about Putin and the Russians taking over the Crimea.  Their concern was, what if he has designs on Denmark and other small countries?  This is exactly how WWII started.  It was quite fascinating to listen to their very legitimate concerns.

We have both been chilly today.  The weather never heated up and now it is raining.  It will be a miserable day tomorrow.  I ache from my neck down.  I think I am getting arthritis in my neck.  Not fun.

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