Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Plan of Happiness

Today in Sacrament Meeting our Branch President spoke about the Plan of Happiness and how it is our responsibility to be happy while we are here on earth.  Heavenly Father wants us to be happy.  Yes, we will have sad experiences but the Gospel should feed our souls and make us a happy people.  Maybe I am just looking at it differently because I want to be content and happy.  I know the Gospel makes me happy.  I should be seeking good things that make my soul happy, not my carnal being.  That is at least how I interpreted it.  Clyde and anyone else listening may have heard something totally different.

In Relief Society our Conference talks were President Packer's and Elder Ochoa (the one about playing marbles and not paying attention).  We were discussing how important it is to set a good example to our family members.  I thought of the summers we would spend camping under the Jungfrau.  Marianne and I would wander around, get to know the owners of the campground and read while Mom and Dad spent their time in the temple.  I loved seeing my parents get ready to go to the temple and looked forward to the day that I too could attend.  That memory brought another one.  We had taken the train to the top of the Jungfrau and we were freezing.  Dad bought Marianne and I hand knit poncho's and we bundled in those and watched the avalanches off the face of the Jungfrau.  So incredible.  I knew I was very blessed to be sitting there with my best friend - having such a wonderful experience.  I still have my poncho and there have been several times I have wished for it here.  Oh well.  I am doing well with the coats and jackets I have.

It was supposed to be raining when we came home but it hasn't even started as of yet.  That means that tomorrow is probably going to be a wet day.  Oh well.  I have dry clothes at work if mine get to soaked.

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