Friday, February 1, 2013

What traits or characteristics do you have that your parents also had?

The full question is: What traits or characteristics do you have that your parents also had?  Which side of your family do you most resemble?

I look like my mom and her side of the family.  I tend to  have the health problems of my father's side of the family though.  My metabolism is also more from his side of the family and more especially the Buchanan's.  Though I never knew her, Popi had an Aunt Mary and apparently we are almost clones, healthwise.

My parents but especially my father has a knack for remembering people and their names to the face. I used to be much better at that than I am now.  I used to be able to instantly draw up a name to a face.  Now I have to think about it for a while - sometimes days before I get it right.  Very frustrating, but so far I eventually do remember the name and face and where we knew them from.

I love to read.  Both of my parents love/loved to read and my grandparents loved to read.  When I was very little, I couldn't wait to be able to read and I knew I would be good at it because everyone in my family was good at it.  It is by far my favorite past time and always has been.  (I think that is why Bob's dyslexia was so frustrating to them.  How could he be disabled in something that they loved so much!)

I have a fairly decent singing voice and have tried to always use it.  My Grandma Sarah Tuttle had an incredible singing voice until her mid-50's when she was stricken with a bad case of strep throat.  It was before antibiotics and it not only affected her singing voice but her speaking voice as well.  I know my voice is not nearly as beautiful as hers was but I am grateful to have inherited something from this great lady.

I am a good cook.  I have an ability to look at a recipe and see if it will taste good or what needs to tweaked to make it better.  I can also look at a recipe and know that it isn't worth the time and to pass it up.  I inherited this ability from my Grandma Myrl Brugger.  She was known for her blue ribbon winning dishes and even created recipes of her own that were proven tried and true over and over. 

I am truly a little bit of everyone that had a hand in raising me.

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