Sunday, February 24, 2013

What are some of the most interesting places you visited and why?

Berlin Germany was a fascinating place when I was younger because the Berlin Wall was up.  It was a sad place and yet an island of hope.  It is hard to describe unless you had actually visited or lived there.

Interlaken, Switzerland is my most favorite place on earth.  It is where we vacationed for several years and was the most beautiful place I had ever seen.

Williamsburg and Jamestown, Virginia alway fascinated me.  I tried to get Clyde to take me back there but he wasn't interested.  Maybe now that he knows his family actually lived there we might go see those cities this summer.  He is a direct descendent of Patrick Henry.

The top of the mountains in Manti and Ephraim and even Fishlake.  It is beautiful in such a majestic way.  I guess any mountain top would be breathtaking in its own way.

The Frankfurt am/Main, Germany Zoo.  It is the most fun and spectacular zoo I have every visited.  When I was younger it rivaled the San Diego zoo.  It don't think it does anymore but it was still an incredible place to visit.

The famous castles of Bavarian Germany.  They are glizty and beautiful and everything the inner princess in me thought a fairy tale needed.  I loved those castles.  The only disappointing one was Neu Schwanstein - the one Walt Disney used as a model for Sleeping Beauty's castle.  In truth it was never completed and is really a shell of a building.  I had it decked out the best of the any castle in my mind.  I remember being terribly disappointed when we went.  That was one time when the movie version was better than real life!                          

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