Thursday, February 14, 2013

Did you ever win an award you were proud of and what was it in honor of?

I lettered in music in high school.  I was very proud of that and planned on getting the additional stripe my senior year, when Dad got orders and we moved - again. 

I went out for many awards and honors in school.  I would tie or even actually be the winner but the person in charge - be it principal or teacher - would pull me aside and say, "We are going to give this to so and so.  You actually won it but they need it more."  There were so many times that I wanted scream, I just want to win ONE!  That was pretty much my history with awards, etc., all of my school years.  I finally quit trying to get them.  What was the point.  This pattern still holds true today.  There was an award in Ingram for the outstanding volunteer and I was one of the best.  Every year I was told I deserved it but someone else needed it more.  I guess my rewards will never be given on earth.  However I really didn't volunteer for the award.  I volunteered to be by our daughters and because I loved it.  I think the school knew that I didn't need incentive to keep coming back.

I did get my 3 and 4 year seminary pins.  No one could take that away from me.  There were no YW awards when I was in the mutual program, per se.  We had certain things that we did but not to get an overall award at the end of our time in YW. 


Marianne said...

It may not technically be an award, but I was proud of you when you sang at Stake events. I especially remember when you sang the song about Mira. Isn't it from the musical Carousel? I was always proud when people thought I was your twin sister.

Grandma Bailey said...

That's kind of a case in point. I won the contest to go to the stake but they felt it would be better for Linda to win. I was only there as runner up. Even for the stake, I came in second place because a member of the stake presidency's family would look fishy if they won. Oh well. Thank you. I am proud that we are twins to this day. I was thinking about the first time someone asked us that. It was in Germany and we were buying stockings on the econoomy. The cute German lady that owned the shop asked us if we were zwillenge and I had just learned that meant twins. I was startled but tickled.