Sunday, February 17, 2013

What do I remember about the birth of my children?

Mostly I remember how happy I was that I could finally have children!  I was on bedrest for most of my pregnancy with Carianne because no one knew what to expect or wanted to upset anything.  My labor with her was less than 3 hours from start to finish.  None of my labors were very long - Heidi's was the longest but I was just uncomfortable not in real pain.

Holding Carianne for the first time was one of the greatest joys of my life.  When I had Heather, Clyde was not allowed in the labor room.  If she had been born the next week - he could have come in. The whole time I was in labor with Heather, my DR kept telling me the lamest jokes in the world and the sad part is I can still remember some of them!

Heidi was a funny story.  I was at my mother's because the Dr said I could have her any minute.  Dad was taking Grandma Sarah to the symphony and asked if I want to go.  I told him I just didn't feel up to it.  That was at 6:30.  At 8:00 Clyde called and asked how I was doing.  I told him how close my contractions were and he called the Dr.  Mom didn't think I was in enough pain to have a baby.  At 8:45 the Dr called and said for me to come in no matter how much pain I was in.  I got there just after 9 and ended up having a debate with the admitting nurse about circumcising.  She wouldn't let me in unless I decided right then and there if I wanted the baby circumcised.  I told her I wanted to know what the baby was first.  We actually fought over this for almost 20 minutes until the DR said to just admit me!  I am not sure why I was upset about this except I was in the last stages of labor and totally unreasonable.  Mom came in my room and said that I was wasting a bed because I would be home in an hour.  She stayed a few minutes and then left.  I asked the Dr for a something for the pain and he said, "Let's go have a baby instead!"  It was after 10 - I think 10:15 when Heidi was born. Dr. Forks wanted me to call Mom and tell her I wouldn't be coming home and I didn't waste a bed!  I remember looking at Heidi with her long eyelashes and her eyes looked like stars.  Oh, and I had Heidi before Dad and Grandma got home from the symphony.  It is a good thing I didn't go.

Pam is my only Tarheel and non-Texan.  Pam was born in Durham, North Carolina.  She came quickly too.  We have been blessed to have 4 beautiful daughters who know what they want and stand up for what they believe.  They have been like that from the womb.

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