Saturday, February 23, 2013

What are some ways - good and bad - the world has changed since you were a child?

Things are a lot more expensive now.  I bought a huge candy bar for 5 cents and that was big deal when I was 5.  Life was freer then.  We ran from neighbors house to neighbors house and we knew we were safe. 

Skirts have risen and fallen and now almost disappeared!  No one dresses up for church anymore but the LDS and I think that is sad.  My hairdresser is Catholic and she was saying how sad it was that when she went to Mass that she didn't even have to cover her head anymore - so no more pretty hats.  She spent our last time together discussing how no one dresses up for church and it just doesn't make it special. 

There is little respect for elders - well for anyone anymore.  Maybe it is just a Northeast thing.  Yesterday I went in to Walmart to get some change for the Laundry and automatically I said please and thank you.  The cashier smiled and told me how wonderful it was to hear someone say something like that.  She never hears that anymore.  How sad is that!  That is just common courtesy!

Because of the internet and cable, etc.  - the media seems to control how we think almost.  They put out just what they want us to hear and you have to be very careful and dig deep to find news that is not slanted or tainted.  I am not sure you can find news that is not slanted.  I miss newscasters like Walter Cronkite that felt it was imperative to give all sides of a story.

In the same sense - the world is smaller because of the internet.  Thank heaven we have that wonderful invention or having family members living overseas would be unbearable.  In that sense it makes our family feel like we are all close by.  The same with telephones.  A long distance phone call is no longer ominace. - it is an every day occurance.

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