Thursday, January 31, 2013

What was your relationship with your family growing up?

We were close.  That comes from moving a lot.  There were times when we had our squabbles and were irritated with each other but for the most part I can truly say that Marianne was my best friend all through my life.  Bob and I had a close relationship too.  It is interesting because we tended to bring everyone to our house.   I didn't really like going to other people's homes unless I was babysitting.  The only two houses I ever really spent time in when I grew up were the Collie's and my friends Marabee's.  I was just much happier bringing everyone to my territory.  Mary Hornbeck, when we lived in Maryland, always wanted everything at her house but I was never comfortable there.  I went over there mostly just to pick her up and then we would meet in a yard - kind of no man's land. I think that is why when my girls were teenagers that I liked everyone over at our house all of the time.  It is how I grew up.

We did a lot of things as a family.  We went on family outings on Saturdays and if Dad had an assignment, we went with him on Sundays.  Our vacations were always together.  We always had lots of other people over so I guess that is where I got my cue that it was okay to fill the house up to the rafters for game nights or whatever.

I am happy to say that Marianne and I still very close.  We can pick up where we left off whether on the phone or in person.  Bob and I are a lot the same way but it just doesn't happen as often.

Happy Birthday to my niece, Christina Dittmar.  Hope you have a wonderful day, a good interview and an incredible year.  We love you!

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