Thursday, January 3, 2013

My Nativity

 Three or four years ago, I took some of my Christmas money and bought myself a Schleich Nativity set.  It came with the baby, Mary, Joseph, an older shepherd and a shepherd boy and 3 Wise men.  The next year I bought the fencing that went behind it.  I thought this would a fun set if ever I had grandchildren close enough 'to play ranch' with.  (That is an inside joke with my daughters and me.  We had a little boy that would come over and play with my sets but it was always Josephs ranch).
 Here is The Family with some animals that the Pfiester children bought me.  Noah insisted that I have a pig because all farms have pigs!  So we lovingly call it our 'kosher pig'.
 Nathanael made sure I had a dog.  I added the lambs this year.
 I also added camels for the Wise men this year.  They are just plain camels with no trappings but we pretend that all of that was taken off to get to the gifts.  If you notice - the camels have legs (my daughters know this is important).  This is an odd angle because of where they sat in my window.  I couldn't get a decent shot.  At least you get the idea.  As an afterthought I added a picture of the shawl I did for the Boston Temple below.  It has a picot edge.  I didn't know how to do that when I made Heidi's shawl.  

1 comment:

Marianne said...

Your Schleich nativiy is beautiful. So much prettier than Fontanini. And how fun to have a nativity you can keep adding to.
And I love the shawl. The edging adds so much to it.