Monday, January 21, 2013

What Kind of House Did You Grow Up In? (Chapter 8)

My Senior year in High School was spent in a three bedroom apartment on the second floor in Heidelberg, Germany.  It was painted a horrible green color.  Mom usually conned the housing people to come in and paint her housing cream or white but she couldn't get these people to budge - so Marianne and I painted it with the help of Buddy Collie and his friend that were touring Europe that summer.  We also cleaned up the maids room up on the fourth floor so Buddy and his friend could stay there.  It turned into our seminary room for the next school year.  This was the second summer we went to Switzerland and camped out under the Jungfrau in Interlaken.  Mom and Dad spent a couple of days in the Bern temple but the owners of the camping area fell in love with Marianne and me.  We had a cheese fondue dinner with them (they showed  us how to make the cheese fondue) and then they took us to a local play of William Tell.  It was done in the same way as the Mormon Miracle with everything done on a hill except we (the audience) were protected in a wooden enclosure from the elements.  We also returned to Trummelbach Falls and all sorts of wonders that made this our all time favorite place to go on vacation.  I discovered Daphne du Maurier's book Rebecca that summer and I think that is when I fell in love with mysteries.

We had a three bedroom apartment but Grandma Tuttle came to stay with us.  Mom and Dad ingeniously put up bookcases to split one of the large bedrooms in two (we still own 2 of the book cases).  Omi and Bob shared a bedroom but each had their own room.  It worked out beautifully.  They in essence had the Master bedroom.  It had a built in vanity with drawers and louvered mirror.  I loved that set up and have dreamed of it in my house of dreams forever.  I still might do it - life isn't over yet.

This was truly the last home I had with my parents.  I met Clyde in this apartment over Christmas break when I came home for Christmas from Snow College.  We moved to San Antonio, helped Mom and Dad get moved in and left the next week for Snow College, then I got married.  I never lived at home again.  In truth this was also Marianne's last home with Mom and Dad too because she came to Snow College the year I got married and never looked back.  Clyde and I moved back with Mom and Dad in transition of moves for anything from a week or two to a few months but that would never be my home again.

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